About Us


Providing cure the Gold ways !


In 2009, the visionary Hakeem Mohammed Hussamuddin Talat founded Talat Unani Pharmacy, ushering in a new era of healthcare rooted in the ancient art of Unani medicine. Our commitment is to elevate your well-being through the profound healing of time-tested remedies. Merging tradition with cutting-edge research, we offer the finest medicines crafted over years of dedicated exploration. Join us on a journey towards optimal health, where the wisdom of the past meets the innovations of the present.

Our Mission

"At Talat Unani Pharmacy, we revive Unani wisdom, blending tradition with modern research for natural, effective healthcare. Committed to global leadership, we provide high-quality remedies, empowering individuals for holistic well-being."

Our Vision

"Talat Unani Pharmacy envisions a world where Unani medicine is central to healthcare, setting standards in authenticity and sustainability. We aim to be a global symbol of excellence, fostering a community that embraces natural healing for a healthier, happier world."